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perform many meritorious services中文是什么意思

"perform many meritorious services"怎么读


  • 屡建奇勋
  • "perform"中文翻译    vt. 1.履行,实行,干,执行(命令、任务等);完成( ...
  • "many"中文翻译    adj. (more; most) (opp. few; ...
  • "meritorious"中文翻译    adj. 有功勋的,有功劳的;有价值的;可称赞的;值得奖 ...
  • "service"中文翻译    n. 1.服务;工作;公务;职务;事务;业务;行政部门( ...
  • "meritorious" 中文翻译 :    adj. 有功勋的,有功劳的;有价值的;可称赞的;值得奖励的。 a meritorious service medal 勋绩奖章。 adv. -ly 可赞美。 n. -ness
  • "perform" 中文翻译 :    vt. 1.履行,实行,干,执行(命令、任务等);完成(事业)。 2. 演出;表演;扮(角色);演奏。 perform one's duties 尽责任。 perform a play 上演一出戏。 perform a part 演一个角色。 vi. 1.进行,履行,实行,执行。 2.表演,演奏;(驯兽)玩把戏。 perform in the role of 扮演…角色。 adj. -formable 可执行的;可完成的;可演出的。
  • "meritorious consideration" 中文翻译 :    有价值的约因
  • "meritorious deeds" 中文翻译 :    先进事迹
  • "meritorious defence" 中文翻译 :    击中要害的答辩
  • "meritorious service" 中文翻译 :    绩优服务; 优良服务
  • "meritorious works" 中文翻译 :    善工。; 善功
  • "the meritorious virtue (s)" 中文翻译 :    功德
  • "as many" 中文翻译 :    一样多
  • "as many as" 中文翻译 :    多达; 和一样多; 一样多
  • "many" 中文翻译 :    adj. (more; most) (opp. few; cf. much) 许多的,多数的,很多的,多。 ★ 1. 在口语中,尤其是在英国口语中,除用作肯定句的主词或接用于 too, so, as, how 之后以外,带有否定、疑问、条件意义:M- people think so. Did you see many people? 2. 在其他肯定句中常作 a lot of, a (large) number of, a great [good] many 等的代用语。 3. 文语中通例是以单数用作倒装句法中的表语:Many's the time (=often) I've seen him do it。 pron. 许多人[物]。 M- of us were tired. 我们当中的许多人都疲倦了。 I have a few, but not many. 我有一点儿,可是不多。 n. 1.多数人[东西]。 There are a good many of them. 那样的人很多[那种东西很多]。 A great many stayed away. 很多人没来。 2.〔the many〕大多数人,一般人,群众。 a good [great] many很多的,非常多的。 as many 和…一样多(的);同数(的) (He made six mistakes in as many lines. 六行里就错了六处)。 as many again 再同样多的,加倍的。 as many as ... 1. 多少…多少,…的都… (Take as many as you want. 你要多少就拿多少。 They admit as many as come. 来多少就可以进去多少)。 2. 整整的〔一般指数目而言〕(He has been working at his book as many as five years. 他的书已经整整写了五年了)。 as [like] so many 1.像许多人一样(He failed like so many before him. 像他前面的许多人一样,他失败了)。 2. 同数的,和…一样多的(=as many)。 be one too many 多余的东西,碍手碍脚的东西。 be (one) too many for 比某人高明,胜过某人;为某人所不能理解 (He is (one) too many for me. 我弄他不赢,我拿他没办法)。 how many 多少,几何 (How many boys are there? 有多少男孩?)。 many a [an] 〔诗、古〕许许多多,很多(many a day 多日〔语气较强于 manydays〕)。 many a [〔古语〕 an] one 许许多多人。 M- a pickle makes a muckle. 积少成多,集腋成裘。 many (and many )a time =many a time and oft 〔诗、古〕 = on many occasions =many times 多次,不知多少次。 not many 〔俚语〕少许的,些少的。 not so many as 没那么多,少于。 so many 那么多的,同数的 (in so many words 露骨地(说)。 So many men, so many minds. 〔谚语〕十人十心。 There are so many mistakes that I can not count them. 错误多得数不清)。
  • "many (of)" 中文翻译 :    (…中的)许多
  • "many a" 中文翻译 :    (天)好多日子, 许多天, 长时间里; 许多(谓语用第三人称单数); 许多的,一个又一个的
  • "many as" 中文翻译 :    和一样多
  • "many-" 中文翻译 :    comb. f. = many.
  • "the many" 中文翻译 :    多数人, 群众
  • "army meritorious unit award" 中文翻译 :    陆军集体功绩嘉奖
  • "defense meritorious service medal" 中文翻译 :    国防部军功奖章
  • "highly meritorious and respectable" 中文翻译 :    功高望重
  • "joint meritorious unit award" 中文翻译 :    三军集体功绩奖
  • "leave meritorious service unrewarded" 中文翻译 :    有功不赏
perform many meritorious services的中文翻译,perform many meritorious services是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译perform many meritorious services,perform many meritorious services的中文意思,perform many meritorious services的中文perform many meritorious services in Chineseperform many meritorious services的中文perform many meritorious services怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
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